Welcome To St. John’s Lutheran Church!
318 East Garfield Avenue, Marion WI 54950
http://stjohnsmarion.org/home# Email: churchoffice@stjohnsmarion.org
Phone: 715-754-5201     Fax: 715-754-2926
Office hours Monday-Thursday 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
The office is closed on Fridays and all major holidays.


Everyone is welcome at our table!
Holy Communion Policy:
Holy Communion is the “Lord’s” Supper, not ours.
Anyone and everyone who believes Jesus is truly present there,
who desire to receive God’s forgiveness, life and salvation
and who believe the words: “given and shed for you”, are welcome.
Sunday Worship 8a.m.-Heritage Worship in the Sanctuary
9:15a.m.-Sunday School
                                       10:30a.m.-Contemporary Worship in the Parish Hall
Wednesday Worship 6p.m.-Song & Scripture Worship

Sunday School

Join us for Sunday School! All kids ages 3-11 are invited to join us.
(Older kids are encouraged to be teacher assistants.)
Children learn different bible lessons and crafts each week.
Lessons are from the Old and New Testaments.
Meets on Sundays from 9:15-10:15a.m.: September thru May
Documents for Students and Parents
Contact-Consent Form
Sunday School Behavior Contract
If you are interested in being a Sunday School Teacher, please call 715-754-5201.


Confirmation Class at St. John’s is based on the Here We Stand curriculum
published by Augsburg Fortress Publishing. This program is a two year program. 
Classes meet September thru May at 6:45p.m. on Wednesday evenings. 
Any student entering the seventh grade is welcome to register as a Confirmation student. 
Older students and adults are also welcome to enter this program.
Documents for Students and Parents:
Confirmation Requirements 24-25
Sermon Notes
Contact-Consent Form
Confirmation Behavior Contract
Service Project Form
Confirmation Mentor Program 2024-2025
Worship Special Projects 
Youth Permission Slip-Confirmation & Sunday School
To join our confirmation class texting group for notifications and cancellations go to: 
Send a text 81010
Text this message: @9dfhd9

First Communion Classes

This class is intended to prepare second grade students as well as older students to receive the sacrament of Holy Communion.  It is up to the parents to decide if your child is ready for this class.  We found this to be a wonderful age to teach children about Holy Communion and find that most are ready and excited to participate in this wonderful gift.

A parent or guardian is required to attend with the child.

There are two sessions in the spring of each year.

 Please call 715-754-5201 or email the church office to let us know that you will be attending.

American Red Cross. (PRNewsFoto/American Red Cross)

Non-Profits We Support:
Marion Food Pantry
Marion Backpack Program
The Giving Tree
Mama’s House of Hope
Lutheran Social Services
Homme Homes
Bethany Homes
Mission Statement:
The mission of St. John’s Lutheran Church is to love God, to love others, and to magnify the name of Jesus Christ. The Mission and Ministry of St. John’s is to raise up disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ through worship, prayer, authentic fellowship, serving, and learning’s God’s Word.
Vision Statement:
St. John’s will keep our hearts open to loving all regardless of race, gender, background, economic status, or other world-created difference. To this end:
  • We will see all people,
  • We will live in service to the needs of our community, and
  • We will open our eyes to the always changing family of God living beside us.

The world changes in ways that make us uncomfortable, but we follow God, who makes all things new. As Christians we accept the command to love one another as God has loved us.

Our love actions arise from our passionate displays of service and hospitality. We believe God is calling us to build relationships outside our congregation for the benefit of the entire community, and we believe in using our building to feed our neighbors.

St John’s has been blessed beyond measure, recognizing that our strengths come from our challenges and our weaknesses from our prosperity. We also recognize our need for others and the strength that comes from living in a community.
Leadership Team:
Our leadership team recognizes the authority of God, and realizes that we are shepherds who serve under the Chief Shepherd, Jesus Christ. We desire to devote ourselves to prayer and to the ministry of the Word. Our passion and goal is to equip the believers for the work of the ministry until we all attain maturity in the fullness of Christ.


2025 Council Members

Pat Mielke — President
Ron Krueger — Vice President
Dawn White— Secretary
Crystal Schwan
Dayna Conradt
Mary Hoppe
Linda Mielke
Melissa Pfeiler
Brian Sawall
Wanda Tucker

2025 Council Agenda


2025 Council Minutes


Janitor-Brenda Krueger

Maintenance-Dave Oehlenschlager

Office Manager-Sheri Fuhrman

Our History
 Trinity Lutheran Church was organized August 1st, 1883 by twelve charter members. It was incorporated in 1884. Services were held in a log church and in 1905 the log church was taken down. The Corner Stone was laid in 1905. 
  St. John’s Lutheran Church originally started with twelve families that met in Marion in the old skating rink building. The congregation grew so rapidly that a church was built in 1886.
  In 1927, it was built at 318 East Garfield Avenue in Marion and was dedicated in 1928. The church was 54′ x 102′ with a German Gothic architecture at a cost of approximately $70,000. The Reuter pipe organ was purchased by the Ladies AId for a cost of $5,390 plus freight of $132. The stained glass windows were gifts to the congregation by its members. The Ladies Aid also purchased the stained glass window in the balcony for a cost of approximately $6,000.
  In 1947 Trinity Lutheran Church merged with St. John’s Lutheran Church. Since Trinity merged with St. John’s in 1947, its cemetery has become the church’s cemetery. 
   In 1959, a Parish Hall was added, and classrooms were remodeled in the basement of the church. The Parish Hall was dedicated in 1960.
   The church was made handicap accessible in 1999 with the addition of an elevator. The addition of the Great Room and East Wing were also a part of that project. 
   Worship services started to be offered online in March of 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
   A Sanctuary remodel occurred in 2018. 
   The Parish Hall was remodeled in 2023.